Monday, October 31, 2011

First Post In Forever

Life has been hectic for myself the last while so instead of blogging I have reverted to just tweeting cause the 140 character limit makes me get my ideas down as fast as possible. But its time again for another post to get my mind off a school if even just for a little bit.

I stole this list from my girlfriends blog 

Here it is... Questions while I avoid homework...

1. What my last text in my inbox, and the last text that I've sent say:
Inbox - Night hun. Xoxoxo *SMOOCH*
Sent - Pretty much. Well time to get back at it. You'll probably be asleep before I take my next break so I'll see you tomorrow. :) Night 

2. A famous person I've been compared to.
I don't think I've been compared to anyone famous. Hmmm I guess that makes me unique.

3. 5 things that irritate me about the same sex/opposite sex.
1- People who use Nerd and Geek as a derogatory term.
2- When girls take forever to get ready every day. The odd special day sure but you look beautiful without makeup so spend less time in the bathroom and we us.
3- People who get mad without analyzing the situation.
4- Girls who put on so much makeup that we can't recognize you without it.
5- Slackers

4. The best thing that has happened to me this week.
Probably yesterday when my gf and I went to the Health Show then went shopping and for a bite to eat at the Moose.

5. Weird things I do when I'm alone.
I will do quick random dance moves, if you can call them that, and sometimes I pretend to pitch a baseball like I'm pitching for the World Series.

6. How I'd spend ten thousand bucks.
Some would be spent on a trip to San Diego Comic Con, a little for shopping, and the rest would be put away into savings and RRSPs.

7. Things I like and things I don't like about the way I look.
I am happy with who I am.  All my looks and blemishes make me the person I am.  Albeit some butt implants would be nice... (just kidding... or am I? ;D )

8. My last night out in detail.
I haven't really been out at night in a long time cause I usually have school or work most nights.  I guess my last night out would be a month ago when I went to the Vancouver Men's Fashion week with my gf.  We ate dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory, then saw the show, and ended the night with some gelato ice cream.

9. Something that makes me sad when I think about it.
The lose of my grandparents this year.

10. Something I've lied about.
The amount of free time I have.  Sometimes I have a little bit more than I say but I usually use it to recharge from school.

11. Would I rather be stranded on a desert island with someone I love for ten years or someone I hate for a 
month? Explain why.
It depends on the the size and how nice the island is.  It its paradise then with someone I love for 10 years.  If its crappy but big enough then one month with someone I hate cause I can get away from them most of the time.

12. Something I'm currently worrying about.
School, my knee, and if I'm heading the right direction in my life.

13. Something I do without realising.
I tilt my head a lot, whether its to people I see or stuff I hear or anything random.

14. Lyrics that apply to my current situation/mood.
We live on front porches and swing life away,
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
If love is a labor I'll slave till the end,
I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand

- Swing Life Away by Rise Against

15. A drunken story.
All I can say is lots of liquor, 3 good friends, the Blarney Stone, then getting kicked out of Red Robins and a long cab ride home.

16. Something I regret.
Life is a journey and I don't regret anything I have ever done.  Everything is a life experience.

17. Post a picture of myself.

18. Things I want to do before I die.
- Compete in one amateur MMA fight (Ultimate goal)
- Be at a Superbowl
- Hang glide
- See the Canucks win the Stanley Cup
- Travel Europe
- Visit Rio de Janeiro 
- Go to San Diego Comic Con
- See a Sumo fight in Japan
- Complete a bachelors and masters degrees.

19. Press control V and post.

We will be stretching our upper bodies to warm up our muscles so they can take the strain of holding our bodies up and nothing gives out.  We will mainly warm up our shoulders as they take the brunt of the force but also our biceps, triceps, chest and back.
(2 Minutes)

20. Post a bit of my last IM convo

  • C F: Hey I'm back in BC, we should catch up sometime!!

  • Me:Hey that awesome! I'm super busy with school, work and a gf but I'll try and find sometime to catch up with you. Where are you living now?

  • C F: I'm in surrey again in guilford area again. Got a 2 bedroom for me an my kids. Is that ur gf in the pic? She's pretty :) good job. Yea I'm pretty busy 2, so yea we'll arrange something.

  • 21. 5 things I want to change.
1- Cost of housing in Vancouver
2- Raising of minimum wage in BC
3- My knee, may need another surgery if I screw up my knee again
4- The introduction of nutrition and health classes in elementary and high schools
5- Peoples perceptions of Nerds.

22. My view on being blogger famous.
HA! I'm not famous, I bet the main people that read my blog are my friends. Who knows I may be famous one day.

23. Someone I'd like to be for a day and why.
- Babe Ruth - He was the greatest baseball player of all time, enough said.

24. 5 things within touching distance.
- iPhone
- Biomechanics notes
- dirty dishes
- TV remote
- Chemistry textbook

25. Story of my first kiss.
I can't remember my first kiss.  It was probably when I was super young. But the first one I remember was at my best friends house when we were in grade 10.  He invited a girl he liked over and her friend.  Well I ended up kissing the friend that night. She then became my first gf.

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