Friday, February 25, 2011

Upcoming 2011 Comic Book Movies

Hello everyone,

Today I would like to talk to you about all the cool comic book movies that are coming out this year but a quick preview of what is on tap for next year.

May 6 - Thor

This is the movie that I am the most excited to see in 2011, with a fantastic cast with the likes of Anthony Hopkins, Natalie Portman, Colm Feore, Tom Hiddleston, and Chris Hemsworth as the Mighty Thor.  The director of the movie is Kenneth Branagh is a renown Shakespearean director and actor. Everything that I have seen so far has been quite simply EPIC!  The costumes and posters look amazing, and the latest trailer is possibly the best trailer I have ever seen, not only for a CBM but all films.  This is a wait 5 hours in line to get good seats for the midnight showing.

May 13 - Priest

Ok, so I haven't heard too much about this movie.  All I know is that it is set in the future where the Catholic Church has grown to be a great power and there are vampires that the church don't know about.  One day someone is killed by vampires and a priest decides to disobey the church and goes out to try and destroy the vampires.  The trailers for the movie seem to be look pretty good, I say its a see it in theater but a few weeks after it is released.

June 3 - X-Men: First Class

Ever since this film was first announced to be done I wasn't thrilled about it, I was hoping for a Magneto Origins movie.  The cast seems pretty good, I just hate how they have changed so many people that should be in a first class like Jean Grey and Cyclops. The trailer has swayed me a bit and I will probably go see the movie now, mostly because I believe that Michael Fassbender is going to have a great performance. Will I be standing in line for this movie, no way, but I will watch it either in a theater or on my computer.

June 17 - Green Lantern

Here is DC's biggest movie of the year and I believe its going to pull in a lot of money in the box office.  Mainly because Hal Jordan (the Green Lantern) will be played by an unknown Canadian actor named Ryan Reynolds ; ). Will this be the best CBM of the year? I don't believe it will because from the trailers it seems to be a little campy and on the goofy side.  I am hoping that the actual movie will be more on the darker side. This is a see it opening weekend movie because the CGI and affects will be amazing and Blake Lively who plays Hal Jordan's boss is smoking hot, while hoping that it becomes as big as it can possibly be.

July 1 - Transformers: Dark of the Moon

This is the third Transformers movie and they all follow the 3 basic rules, visually cool robots, over the top action and sexy, sexy ladies.  Some people will be sad that Megan Fox is not in this one but I'm sure we will all forget as soon as we see Victoria Secret model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. You know what you will get with this movie, I will see in probably within the first week of the release.

July 22 - Captain America: The First Avenger

Captain America could quite easily be the CBM of the year (see a pattern here how Marvel seems to potentially have the top 2 movies of the year) and the big name actors will help it out a lot.  With Chris Evans as Capt, Hugo Weaving as the Red Skull, and Tommy Lee Jones as Col. Chester Phillips acting shouldn't be a worry for this movie.  I believe this movie will gain more than Thor simply because people know of Captain America more and most americans can relate to the war aspect of the movie. This movie is coming out the weekend of Comic Con 2011 (which I will be attending this year) so I will be watching this movie on July 25 down in San Diego.

July 29 - Cowboys and Aliens

This movie has two of the biggest action stars in the business in Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig.  Add in Olivia Wilde and John Favreau directing this movie could be the sleeper hit of the summer.  For me this is a see in the first week one.

August 19 - Conan

They have decided to do a new Conan movie with Jason Momoa playing said character.  I will make a decision on if I am going to see this when a trailer comes out.

2012 CBM's
Feb 17  Ghost Rider 2            May 4  The Avengers            May 25 Men in Black 3  
June 8 John Carter of Mars      June 29 Star Trek 2               July 3 Spiderman Reboot    
July 20 Batman: The Dark Knight Rises           Dec ???  The Hobbit Part 1

This should be a great year for CBM's..... That is all for tonight

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

RIP Dwayne McDuffie (Feb 20, 1962 - Feb 22, 2011)

Today is a sad day as an influential and popular comic book writer has passed away.  His name was Dwayne McDuffie and he was a writer for many companies including Marvel and DC, while also writing for many tv shows.

He was a smart guy with a undergrad in English and a graduates degree in physics from the University of Michigan.  He then went to film school in New York and that is when he got a job as an assistant editor for Marvel Comics, he also become Bob Budiansky's assistant on special projects and scripted stories for Marvel. In the early 1990's he became a freelance writer doing stories for Marvel, DC, and Archie comics. In 1992 he co-founded Milestone Media, which was a comic book company owned by African-Americans, and published their comics through DC comics.

He also made a transition to writing, and producing tv shows where he has writing credits for Teen Titans, What's New? Scooby-Doo, Static Shock (a character that he first created in comics with Milestone Media), and one of my favorite old cartoons, Justice League Unlimited.  He was also hired to help revamp the Ben 10 cartoon franchise where he wrote and produced many of the newest episodes.

After Justice League Unlimited ended, he made his return to writing comics with some great storylines in Firestorm, Fantastic Four, Justice League, and Beyond!.  His last work was writing the script for DC's latest cartoon movie "All-Star Superman" which ironically is being release today.

Dwayne McDuffie passed away from complications due to a surgical procedure the day before.

He was a great writer and I will always remember him when I read his comics or watch any episodes of Justice League Unlimited.

RIP Dwayne, you will be missed.

Vietnam/Legend of Zelda/Firefly/Laser

Howdy ya'll,

Its that time again,  its time for another post!  This post is going to be a lot more nerdy and a lot less serious compared to my last few posts.

I am happy that I don't live in Vietnam because Vietnam's Ministry of Information and Communication has put in a request to block access to online games between the times of 10:00pm and 8:00am. The government has also authorized other stiff measures in the last few months, do you know the reason why they are doing this? Its to help mitigate the apparent side effects of online gaming. I don't believe personally that online games are having that great of a side effect on us that we need to be monitored, but maybe there is a bigger problem in Vietnam then here.

Today is also the 25th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda, which was released on February 21st 1986.  So many of us have played one of the many versions and off shoots and it has instilled so many great memories.  Happy Anniversary and thank you for all the hours spent having fun.

So the Science Channel has bought the rights for Firefly and they will be airing all the episodes in order in High Definition.  Also a physicist will appear at times and help explain the theoretical sciences behind the show's sci-fi concepts.  This is awesome and hopefully this will help it gain a larger following and eventually lead to the show being picked up and new episodes being created.

Now to the most exciting and scary news of the past few days, the US Navy just broke the world record for the most powerful laser.  Their new free-electron laser is the most powerful as it can burn through 20 feet of steel per second.  This has led to the Navy awarding a $163 million contract to Boeing to help work on weaponizing it while also making it available to be used for on ship communications, tracking and detection.  Its scary to think about what would happen if this technology got into the wrong hands (albeit people may say its already in the wrong hands).  But being a nerd has made me think about all the cool things that may eventually come from this latest advancement, like blaster guns and lightsabers.  I can imagine it now, having my own lightsaber and being able to protect the ones I love.  I think I'm going to have a good dream tonight.

That is all for tonight, please return for another post at the same Nerd time on the same Nerd channel

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ready to Start

Hello everyone,

Here is just a quick little post before I go to bed, its just one of my favorite songs lately and its called Ready to Start by a great Canadian band called Arcade Fire.

Businessmen drink my blood 

Like the kids in art school said they would 
And I guess I'll just begin again 
You say can we still be friends 

If I was scared, I would 
And if I was bored, you know I would 
And if I was yours, but I'm not 

All the kids have always known 
That the emperor wears no clothes 
But they bow down to him anyway 
It's better than being alone 

If I was scared, I would 
And if I was pure, you know I would 
And if I was yours, but I'm not 

Now you're knocking at my door 
Saying please come out against the night 
But I would rather be alone 
Than pretend I feel alright 

If the businessmen drink my blood 
Like the kids in art school said they would 
Then I guess I'll just begin again 

You say can we still be friends 

If I was scared, I would 
And if I was pure, you know I would 
And if I was yours, but I'm not 

Now I'm Ready to Start 

If I was scared, I would 
And if I was pure, you know I would 
And if I was yours, but I'm not 

Now I'm Ready to Start 

Now I'm Ready to Start 
I would rather be wrong 
Than live in the shadows of your song 
My mind is open wide 
And now I'm ready to start 

Now I'm Ready to Start 

My mind is open wide 
Now I'm Ready to Start 
Not sure you'll open the door 
To step out into the dark 
Now I'm ready!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Hello people of the "free" world, it is I again.

Today I would like to talk to you about something that has been a constant ongoing conversation in my mind, the possible idea of going totally sober.  I have gone through stretches where I don't drink any alcohol for a couple months, partly by choice but also partly cause I am slightly allergic to alcohol.  My allergies are usually kept to certain types of beer, wine, and spirits but there are times where it flairs up so bad that I can't seem to drink anything.  I am currently in one of those fazes, what essentially happens is my face and neck start to go super red and they start to burn.  If I try to drink anymore I can feel my throat start to tighten up a bit and that is the point when I have to stop.

Another main factor for me is simply control, I hate being out of control.  Not being able to remember things or control how I am moving or acting.  I may be an outgoing guy when it comes to subjects that I like, but I don't get super loud or crazily out of control.  Even having one or two beers gives me that relaxed feeling which bugs me most of the time plus the main reason I would even have one is that I like the taste.  Lately though when I go out I don't even have the urge to have a drink anymore, I would rather have a cold glass of water or a tasty protein shake.

The funny, or hypocritic thing is that I worked almost 2 years as a bartender at the Great Bear Pub in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada and now I am currently employed at a liquor store in Port Moody.  So when I am working I am constantly around alcohol and I see the effects it has on people, albeit not as bad as when I was bartending at a neighbourhood pub.  The potentially hard part for me is that I need to know about my product so I can sell it, I have accumulated a lot of knowledge from my years in the industry, its just all the new products especially wine that I need to learn about.  The odd shift I do have some tastings of products but lately I make sure its only 1/8th of an ounce and if its wine I swirl it around and then spit it out so I get the flavor with minimal alcohol.

Ok, so after many years of spotting thinking and hard times learned I have finally come to a decision.  I am going to go 99% sober.  No more beer or wine or spirits when I hang out with friends or at my place, the 1% of alcohol will only be the small amount of alcohol that I consume in tastings at my work.  Will I be sober for the rest of my life? I highly doubt it, I will probably have the odd drink for super special occasions like a glass of champagne at my wedding. There will be times where I will be tempted, like when I go to Comic Con or even next weekend when I go down to Seattle with two hot girls and my best friend.  Its just something that I feel I need to do to live a long and healthy life where I am always fully in control of my life and destiny.

This will be an ongoing internal discussion that will probably last for far to long.  If you have any comments or suggestions or anything don't hesitate to write it down below.

Have a good night and May the Nerd be with you.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Comic Con 2011 Ticket Debacle

Sorry everybody for not blogging the past week, just have been super busy.

One major thing that happened that made me both super happy and mad had to do with Comic Con and Ticket Leaps.  So as some of you may know, most years Comic Con does what is called a "soft release " where they release tickets for next years Comic Con without announcing the date.  I like this approach because true fans that really want to go would be checking daily to see if they are on sale.  This year they decided to change it up and announce the date beforehand, well that has caused some major problems because twice the tickets went on sale and the ticketing company that they used was so overwhelmed that the system shut down.  Its ironic how a convention run by nerds couldn't figure out their internet problems. Finally after a huge delay they announced the new date with a new ticketing company, for some reason unknown to me they used a company called Ticket Leaps, who in their mission statement said to be a small company.  How is a small company going to handle over 100,00 people hitting their site at the same time?

Well the day came and I was online minutes before the starting time, and guess what? The site was already over capacity! So over the next 2 hours I went through torture trying to get Comic Con tickets for this summer.  This included refreshing my page countless amounts of times, waiting until I can get in, and when I got in I found out that the 4-day passes were already sold out.  Great, now I have to buy 4 single day passes, so I selected the appropriate tickets and then had to refresh that page about another 100 or so times to advance to the next page.  After refreshing over 1,000 times in an hour and a half span I finally breath a sigh of relief as I receive confirmation that I have successfully acquired Comic Con 2011 tickets.

So after all of that I am for sure going to Comic Con this year, I only wish I was able to get a 4 day pass cause instead of registering once, I have to now register every single morning.  Oh well, I know I will have a great time cause it is COMIC CON, the biggest comic book convention in the world.  Now the rest of the planning (flight, additional hotels, car rental, costumes) can begin. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Online TV Piracy

Hello my fellow bloggers and bloggettes,

As some of you may have heard or have seen, the US government went ape sh*t today on some of the biggest streaming and P2P download sites.  As of this moment 5 sites have been seized by ICE, Homeland Security Investigations of the USA, with the sites either being totally removed or their front pages are plastered with the the US homeland security seal with the whole paragraph on unlawful distribution of copyrighted materials.  The thing is most of these sites either stream or embed videos from other sites who have copyrighted the material, these sites are just passing it along.  Wouldn't it be better for the US to go after the copyrighters instead of the streamers? Better to chop the tree down at the base, trimming of the top won't stop the main contributors.  One of the craziest parts of this is that the biggest site they took down was and its associate site but they couldn't shut down the three other sites that company runs.  The crazy part is how do the US have authority to shut down 2 sites that are owned and run by a company in Spain who went to court there twice and won both times the right to have their site.  Here is the full list of sites at the moment that have been shut down because of the US government:          

It should be interesting to see if other streaming sites are shut down in the new few days and if any of the sites that were shut down end up starting up again whether it be with the same domain or a different one.

As a nerd who is constantly online searching for shows or anything, this caught me off guard and it makes you think just how much Big Brother is actually watching you. Its kind of scary when you think of it.


UPDATE: Another site has been found to be shut down by the US government, is now gone.